Product Details

Silica Cement


Silica cement, also known as silica-rich cement or silica-based cement, is a type of hydraulic cement that contains a significant amount of silica in its composition. It is mainly used in the construction industry for various applications, especially where increased durability and resistance to certain environmental factors are required.

Proper admixture selection and precise mix proportioning are essential to achieve the desired performance and workability. Additionally, safety precautions must be followed when handling silica fume to avoid inhalation of fine particles.


Appearance Cream coloured Powder
PH value (1:10) 6.5 ± 0.5
Solubility Readily soluble in water
Solid content Minimum 95.0 %
Bulk density 0.45 – 0.55 gm/cc
Packaging Size 40 Kg
Packaging Type HDPE Bag
Brand Addage


Tiles grout offers several advantages, making it an essential component in tile installations. Here are the main advantages of using tiles grout:

  • Increased Strength: Silica cement enhances the compressive and flexural strength of concrete, making it suitable for structural elements that require higher load-bearing capacity.
  • Improved Durability: Silica cement improves the overall durability of concrete, providing resistance against abrasion, chemical attack, and weathering, thus extending the service life of structures.
  • Reduced Permeability: Silica cement reduces the size and connectivity of pores within the concrete matrix, leading to lower permeability and improved resistance to water penetration and chloride ion ingress.
  • Enhanced Freeze-Thaw Resistance: The increased density of the cementitious matrix due to silica fume helps to mitigate damage caused by freeze-thaw cycles, making it suitable for cold climates.
  • Increased Resistance to Sulfates: Silica cement exhibits improved resistance to sulfate attack, making it ideal for environments with high sulfate content in the soil or water.
  • Reduced Heat of Hydration: Silica fume can help control the heat generated during the cement hydration process, which is essential for large concrete placements and mass concrete structures.
  • Tighter Concrete Microstructure: Silica cement contributes to a more refined and compact microstructure of the concrete, enhancing its overall performance and reducing vulnerability to degradation.
  • Improved Bond Strength: Silica cement enhances the bond strength between the cement paste and aggregates, resulting in better cohesion and mechanical properties in the concrete.

Overall, the advantages of using silica cement make it a preferred choice in various applications where high strength, durability, and resistance to adverse conditions are essential. However, proper mix design, accurate proportioning, and quality control are crucial to achieving the full potential of silica cement's benefits in concrete construction.

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